Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Social.

I have seen my friend Brittany, owner of The Sapphire Bee, post about Sunday Social before, but I haven't gotten around to creating my own. Seeing as I'm up late + working on the blog (what else is new), I figured I'd give it a shot! This week's questions are about my favorite things.

01. What is the name of your blog and how did you come up with it? My blog is called short girl, long island. I'm 4'11" + I live on Long Island. Short + sweet, just like me!

02. What do you love the most about blogging? I love the friendships I have forged since the creation of the blog. Not just fellow bloggers, but business owners, readers + artists. 

03. What are your 2 favorite posts you've written? May Angels Lead You In + Talking With Tony Lucca.

04. What is something you'd want to tell someone just starting out in blog world? Keep the layout simple + write in your own style.

05. Biggest blogging learning experience you've had? Organization is key. Planners, emails, etc. I was always pretty organized, but I am always looking at my planner, to make sure I am on top of things.

06. Give us 3 blogs we NEED to be following that you love. Sometimes Sweet, brilliant nature, + Nerd Craft Librarian.


  1. Welcome to the fun! And I couldn't agree more about #5!! :)

    1. I already scheduled next week's questions, haha! :)

  2. love the friendships you find here too!

    new follower :)

    Have a great Sunday! Drop by and say hello!

    1. Thanks, Nicholl. Stopped by + said hello! :) Following your humble blog as well.

  3. Welcome! I'm from Long Island also!

    1. Oh, nice! Nassau or Suffolk? Welcome to my humble blog. :)

  4. I assumed you were short but didn't realize this!

    My mom was exactly your height. When my brother and I were growing up, we wondered when we got taller than her if that meant we didn't have to listen to her. We were wrong...

  5. I like that your blog title tells us a bit about you in just 4 words! And 4'11'' definitely qualifies as short! ;P Organization is very important for blogging, or else you'll just get lost!

    1. Thanks, I wanted to keep the title simple, because I am anything but! I'm glad you agree on the organization. Makes life much easier. Thanks for stopping by!
